Monday, March 7, 2011

Fishery update March 7th.

Glenda Powell with one of her charges.

Catches on both fisheries are much improved over the last week.  The fly lake has been stocked with over 600 triploid rainbows and these have also stirred up the resident fish.  Both lures and buzzer nymphs are working with some large catches being made on both methods.  Dublin Angling initiative ran a very successful day on the fly lake on Saturday with over 30 children learning the sport of fly-fishing, and a few adults too!.

On the coarse lake the Carp are now moving around and much more active, with approximately two dozen sunning themselves at the surface near the outflow today.  They were moving to loose fed dog biscuits on the top, but as you would expect they were still very cautious of hook-baits.  I would expect a few big catches to start coming out soon

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